VINTAGE MID CENTURY CHALKWARE Atomic Flower 1950s Lamp with Fiberglass Shade

VINTAGE MID CENTURY CHALKWARE Atomic Flower 1950s Lamp with Fiberglass Shade

VINTAGE MID CENTURY CHALKWARE Atomic Flower 1950s Lamp with Fiberglass Shade

VINTAGE MID CENTURY CHALKWARE Atomic Flower 1950s Lamp with Fiberglass Shade

VINTAGE MID CENTURY CHALKWARE Atomic Flower 1950s Lamp with Fiberglass Shade

VINTAGE MID CENTURY CHALKWARE Atomic Flower 1950s Lamp with Fiberglass Shade

VINTAGE MID CENTURY CHALKWARE Atomic Flower 1950s Lamp with Fiberglass Shade

VINTAGE MID CENTURY CHALKWARE Atomic Flower 1950s Lamp with Fiberglass Shade

VINTAGE MID CENTURY CHALKWARE Atomic Flower 1950s Lamp with Fiberglass Shade

VINTAGE MID CENTURY CHALKWARE Atomic Flower 1950s Lamp with Fiberglass Shade. This is a rare and fantastic offering of vintage lighting. It is a 1950′s chalkware multiple light floral lights/lamps. The top lights seperate from the flowers. You can change the colors of the flowers. 32″ high x 19″ in diameter. The original shade is in fantastic condition with minimal wear. The electric works fine and is safe. There are very few nicks to the lights/lamps. There is a crack in the middle of the lamp, but does not affect the overall’strength’ of the lamp. It can be repaired if need be. The coloring is vibrant.

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